It has been three days since I planted the season’s first seeds. Serving as my little helper, the rain has faithfully kept the beds evenly moist as recommended on the backside of the seed packets.
I’m feeling evenly moist too, though perhaps a little more wet on my feet. I made the hopeful but ultimately unfortunate decision to wear my favorite boots today. The ones so favored that their soles have holes throughout. Walking in them from the truck to the office proved slightly better than doing so barefoot, but not much. Feeling like I had nothing to lose (I’d been sitting at work with puddles for feet for nine hours after all) I came home, pulled on my muddy rain boots and headed to the garden to see if the radish sprouts had poked up yet. No luck. Though it looks like birds have been poking around the plot. They left holes, where they were likely foraging for my newly planted seeds, and some poop.
One of the best things about gardening in the rain is coming home and getting even wetter—in a hot bath. Baths should be followed up with time in a warm bed with wool blankets to keep your heat in. It is from here that you can best watch the rain and then, drift off, thinking about those tiny seeds nestled in the mud, getting plump and ready to shoot up. Maybe tomorrow.