Everyone is up now. A combination of rain, sun and warmth has brought all the seeds to the surface: Sugar snap peas, carrots, turnips, beets, arugula, radish and mustard. This week, I also planted 'tristar' everbearding strawberries and mizuna starts. Here at home, I planted chervil seeds which are now up, and yesterday, broccoli raab seeds (saved from last year’s plants), and red leaf lettuce variety 'rouge' (seeds from a friend which are several years old by now. We’ll see if they sprout).
Today promises to be dry, sunny and in the mid 70s. And though it won’t be raining today, and I’ve yet to see any slug damage (it could be all the filbert shells I paved the paths with—slugs don’t like sharp barriers.), I sprinkled Sluggo around all the starts and seedlings for good measure. Yesterday, in a gardening class taught at the garden by a fellow gardener, I learned that Sluggo takes a couple of weeks to take effect, so this should help when the rain starts up again.
The white currants and blueberries are flowering and from the looks of the number of currant flowers, we’ll be eating plenty of berries this summer, unless the birds get them first. The blueberries are making a few flowers, but I’m not counting on more than a handful to top a bowl of oats.
Today, Tom is helping me attach a planter box to the railing of our back porch, which I’ll sew with cilantro for our much loved chip and guacamole dinners, which are just around the corner.