- Sparkler Radish (A block of it in a vacant spot in the NW corner of the garlic bed.)
- Sugar Snap Peas (To climb the pvc-pipe hoops over the square raised beds.)
- Purple Top White Globe Turnips (Under the snap peas.)
- Beets (From the community seed supply in the shed—a donation from Ed Hume himself. Planted in the bed next to the blueberries and white currants.)
- Mustard Greens (Again, from Ed. Planted next to the beets.)
- Arugula (Seed I saved from last year. Planted under the snap peas.)
I also weeded the garlic bed and pounded stakes into the ground to secure the raised beds (Instead of nails or screws. The lazy way.). I poached subtly fragrant apple blossoms, bi-colored daffodils, and three true-pink camellias. It was a great start to the day. Later, it hailed.